Monday, October 24, 2011

coñazi | cavalcade to capitol Sat Oct 29th 2011 salem oregon

heard tell info available : 503 231 8032

voter registration now in progress at information and library pavilions at occupy portland oregon

info on caravan to sat oct 29th convergence on salem coming soon to information pavilion occupy portland oregon

Sunday, October 23, 2011

malik massage | don't piss on my back and tell me it's rain

gleno kinda made some semi-promises to malik rahim tue-wed oct 18-19th 2011

three of them were
  • voter registration presence at occupy portland headquarters
  • push real hard on the statewide General Assembly salem oregon sat oct 29 2011
  • Converge on Capitol oregon Saturday 29 October 2011 : 12h00 till 15h00 
broadband audio mp3 94mb the Modern COINTELPRO Malik Rahim at eliot chapel portland oregon tue eve oct 18th 2011 endorsed by first unitarian portland orgeon and cascadia public citizen

for WeAreKBOO.FM | network id mp3 00m08s 126.3 kb

Saturday, October 22, 2011

occupy cascadia | Sat Oct 29th 2011 CONVERGE ON CAPITOL Salem Oregon

MALIK RAHIM in his personal appearance at First Unitarian Eliot Chapel downtown Portland Oregon last Tue Oct 18th urged Occupatriots Cascadia to caravan to Salem Oregon Saturday October 29th 2011 for the landmark first statewide General Assembly and March on the Capitol

Saturday Oct 29: Converge on the Capitol

Occupy Oregon: Converge on the Capitol. Inviting people from all occupations for a statewide event here in Salem.  Info: 503-567-2536 or 503-56S-ALEM.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

federal occupation | systematized poverty cheaper than profitable prisons

Portland Poverty Awareness March Fri. Oct. 21 11:30AM

Occupy Portland is the 99%. The 99% that are choosing to occupy are doing so for many reasons, including the financial stability to do so. Some are occupying because they have no where else to go. We are all the 99%. Through the generosity of Occupy Portland supporters we have been able to feed and shelter many of those most affected by greed. Occupy Portland, with increased media coverage, has been able to bring forth to the light the severe lack of funds and care available to those most vulnerable in our society.

Show your support and solidarity for the unhoused and marginalized by coming out to MARCH with us.
Friday, Oct. 21 at 11:30 AM.

The march begins at Lownsdale Square in front of the memorial statue. It makes a pit-stop at Pioneer Square at noon for a rally, and from there the march continues through the Pearl District and returns to Occupy Portland Base Camp. We encourage all who wish to express their voice on the effects of poverty to come and be heard.

If you have any questions, leave them at the Peace and Safety booth at Occupy Portland and an organizer will get back to you.

Route Map coming soon.

***This march is endorsed by the Peace and Safety Team of Occupy Portland***

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

federal occupation | prison industrial complex eradicates homelessness

An Open Letter to Mayor Adams and Portland City Officials Concerning Right 2 Dream Too (R2DToo)

This open letter from the General Assembly of Occupy Portland affirms our solidarity with the homeless people in our city.  We ask that City ordinances currently used to criminalize homeless people be suspended until new solutions are found.  This request is in accordance with the official Bill of Rights for Children and Youth as adopted by Portland and Multnomah County:  “Shelter:  We have the inherent right to shelter.  The City of Portland and Multnomah County should continue their efforts to provide adequate shelter to those who need it.”

The number of unhoused people living on the streets of Portland has steadily increased over the past ten years in spite of good intentions to reduce homelessness to zero.  Instead, Portland city officials are now cracking down on the efforts of a nonprofit homeless organization, “Right to Dream Too” (R2DToo) to open their self-help site, a rest area for those forced to live outdoors (located next to the Chinatown gate on Burnside Street).  Their goals are modest and very basic: “The right to rest, the right to sleep, and the right to dream, too.”

The Occupy Wall Street movement is calling attention to the increasing inequality and economic injustice across the country.  One frequent grievance is the rise of evictions due to home foreclosures, a trend which has been exposed as caused by banks’ irresponsible manipulation of loans.  Many more Americans are now on the precarious edge of living one or two paychecks away from joining the homeless.  This is a state of economic emergency which calls out for extraordinary action by governments.

We encourage you to open dialogue with alternative solutions — such as the R2DToo rest area, which is legally leased on private property, and is run by experienced volunteers with support from the community. Such efforts in self-determination and bootstrap self-help cost the City nothing, as they are funded by charity and managed by the hard work of volunteer organizers.  Such projects are in the American vein of self-reliance and also strengthen community bonds.  We invite you to help such grassroots solutions.

Finally, The Bill of Rights for Children and Youth can be found prominently displayed on the reception desk of Mayor Adams’ office, and is also online at the County website.  It affirms what Occupy Portland also affirms: the inalienable right to survive, which requires shelter.  Families and individuals who cannot live indoors, for whatever reason, should not be swept out of sight and mind. They deserve the human dignity to be seen and to exist in our city.

Thank you for considering this appeal, and we welcome your response.

Occupy Portland, General Assembly

Monday, October 17, 2011

occupatriots pdx | web of debt : mon oct 17th 2001 sw 5th ave at salmon pdx

Discharge The Debt Rally Oct. 17th @ 12 noon
Occupy Portland will be demonstrating for student loan reform!

We are joining with the Discharge the Debt Rally being organized by Student Loan Justice Portland. The protest is planned for Monday, Oct. 17th. At 12 noon we will demonstrate outside US Bankruptcy Court located on the corner of SW 5th Ave and SW Salmon St.

Why?  Bankers have created a student loan bubble comparable to the mortgage meltdown. Student loan debt is approaching $1 trillion. Unlike other types of debt, student loans are not dischargeable in bankruptcy court. 

This is unfair discrimination against the types of debt held by the poor and working classes.
From the Student Loan Justice fact sheet: “Student loans are the only loans in history to be exempted from bankruptcy protections, statutes of limitations, truth in lending laws, fair debt collection practices, refinancing rights, and state usury laws.”

“The special collection powers exceed those for every other type of unsecured loan in the nation, and include wage, social security, and disability income garnishment without a court order, suspension of state professional licenses, and termination from public employment.”

After graduation many students are unable to find employment in their field of study. They have no prospect of ever paying off their student loan debt and instead face a lifetime of debt servitude.

Friday, October 14, 2011

peaceful green | accept this invite for MALIK RAHIM doors 6:30pm Tue Oct 18th 2011

Email for Malik Rahim portland mon-wed oct 17-19th 2011

"chris henry" <>

cell phone referral from kathy green landline 503 303 8101

video clip 2008 | |

best support for this event is to talk it up
on your own blogs - with you own fliers
with you own friends - on your own terms

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

peaceful green | MALIK RAHIM speaks portland oregon 7-9pm TUE OCT 18th 2011

Without this man the face of post Katrina New Orleans would be even bleaker

M A L I K   R A H I M   personal appearance at Eliot Chapel meeting space at First Unitarian Portland Oregon corner SW 12th Avenue at Salmon Street downtown 7-9pm Tue Oct 18th 2011

This is turning into an event that lots of affinities want their name with

suggestion :  get your group to print up some simple half page fliers - maybe add a line or two about your voice joining with neighbors etc - Malik Rahim message

The people that actually brought Rahim to Oregon during this Federal Occupation will be calling the shots

Glen Owen's role is just to be sure as he can that at least most of the critical bases with respect to administration of the Tuesday Evening Personal Appearance will be covered in decently good time

I am not actually publishing my personal phone number here directly, but i can assure everybody that it is hardly a closely guarded secret
